For hundreds of years women have shared the secret of yoni steaming amongst one another; creating a safe place to connect and heal their bodies with love and trust. Recently, women have rediscovered the tradition and are benefiting mentally, physically and emotionally. EmpressBody feel that it is important that women once again practice this safe and natural healing method and achieve full vaginal health again.

What is Steaming?
A yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam, v-steam or bajo) provides gentle and effective support for women’s wellness. Respected by women and holistic healers around the globe, yoni steaming is the ancient practice of allowing the warmth of herbal steam to softly permeate the exterior of the vagina.
This women's treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman's center, providing myriad benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Yoni steaming will support your natural feminine cycle, and help you to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally. It has been proven to help with insomnia, heal from sexual trauma, and relieve anxiety and stress.
Yoni Steaming is about women taking back ownership of their personal health and wombs and utilizing intuition as well as herbs from the Earth, to support and nourish overall well-being. It is full vaginal empowerment. Not only is the EmpressBody Yoni Steam safe and healing, it is also easy to use.
How do you do it?
Yoni steaming is done by sitting over special herbs that create an environment that opens pores, permeates the outside of your yoni and allows your blood flow to regulate around your vagina allowing most toxins to be flushed out. You will need a stool with a hole in it and to place a bowl of warm water then:
1. Take one Empress steam bag, add about 750ml boiling water to brew.
2. Ensure all underwear is removed and the steam temperature is not too hot for you, before beginning the steam.
3. Sit above the basin and cover your lower body with a towel.
4. Steam for no less than 20 minutes or as you desire.
What’s in it?
Here is a breakdown of the herbs used in our EmpressBody Yoni Steam and their properties and uses.

- Sarsaparilla root: The root is used for medicine and the sarsaparilla is used for treatment of psoriasis and other skin disease.
- Mint: Relieves pain and discomfort
- Honeylocust fruit: Is antibacterial and an Anti-inflammatory.
- Pulsatilla root: Is effective in cooling blood and detoxicating.
- Paris herb: Has been applied in the treatment of wounds.
- Amurcork: Has antimicrobial and antibiotic properties.
- Baical skullcap: Is used for urinary tract infections.
- Bai Zhu: Stabilises the exterior and stops sweating.
- Cnidium fruit: Promotes fertility in both men and women.
- Dittany root: Has antibacterial properties.
- Sichuan: Stimulates circulation and improves immunity.
- Chlorhexidine: Is an antiseptic agent which targets specific bacteria.
- Groomwell root: Cools and invigorates blood, reduces toxicity and facilitates the passage of urine.

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