Your menstrual cycle is counted from the first day of your last period to the start of your next period. Your period is considered irregular if it's longer than 38 days or if the duration varies. Irregular Periods are a pain. They can throw off your life because you can end up either constantly expecting it or always caught unprepared. Favourite undies get ruined and frequently women are plagued by creeping, nasty thoughts about their woman-hood being somehow inferior to others. This simply is not true and EmpressBody want all goddesses to know that there are holistic feminine care solutions available from us.
What can cause irregular periods?

Irregular periods can have several causes, from hormonal imbalances to other underlying conditions, and should be evaluated by your doctor. EmpressBody has put together a list of some of the main causes of irregular periods.
1. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause you to miss your period or experience spotting. If you miss a period or notice changes in your period and you've had sex, you can take a pregnancy test at home or see your doctor to find out if you're pregnant. If you may be pregnant and experience sharp, stabbing pain in the pelvis or abdomen that lasts more than a few minutes, see your doctor right away to rule out ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
2. Perimenopause
Perimenopause is the transition phase before you enter menopause. It usually begins in your 40s, but can occur earlier. You may experience signs and symptoms lasting from 4 to 8 years, beginning with changes to your menstrual cycle. Fluctuating estrogen levels during this time can cause your menstrual cycles to get longer or shorter.
Other signs and symptoms of perimenopause include:
3. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

EmpressBody know that many of our customers suffer from PCOS and are looking for answers. One of the main indicators of PCOS is irregular periods. If you have PCOS, you may miss periods and have heavy bleeding when you do get your period.
PCOS can also cause:
· Infertility
· Excess facial and body hair
· Male-pattern baldness
· Eeight gain or obesity
Click here to read more about how to fight the symptoms of PCOS with EmpressBody
4. Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are muscular tumors that develop in the wall of the uterus. Most fibroids are noncancerous and can range in size from as small as an apple seed to the size of a grapefruit. Fibroids can cause your periods to be very painful and heavy enough to cause anemia. Most fibroids don't require treatment and symptoms can be managed with over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications and an iron supplement if you develop anemia.
Click here to read about how to fight Fibroids with EmpressBody

5. Endometriosis
Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 women of reproductive age. This is a condition in which the tissue that normally lines your uterus grows outside the uterus. Endometriosis causes very painful, even debilitating menstrual cramps. Endometriosis also causes heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, and bleeding between periods. Exploratory surgery is the only way to diagnose endometriosis. There's currently no cure for the condition, but symptoms can be managed with the EmpressBody Detox Pearls.
Click here to find out how the EmpressBody Detox Pearls can help with endometriosis
6. Being overweight
Obesity is known to cause menstrual irregularity. Research shows that being overweight impacts hormone and insulin levels, which can interfere with your menstrual cycle. Rapid weight gain can also cause menstrual irregularities. Weight gain and irregular periods are common signs of PCOS and hypothyroidism, and should be evaluated by your doctor.
7. Excessive exercise
Intense or excessive exercise has been shown to interfere with the hormones responsible for menstruation. Female athletes and women who participate in intensive training and physical activities, such as ballet dancers, often develop amenorrhea, which is missed or stopped periods. Cutting back on your training and increasing your calorie count can help restore your periods. Life is about balance and harmony, your body needs exercise to stay strong and healthy but should not be abused or worn out. Try and take the time to allow your body to rest in between training sessions.
8. Stress
It’s a huge factor or modern life and it is often unavoidable, but research shows that stress can interfere with your menstrual cycle by temporarily interfering with the part of the brain that controls the hormones that regulate your cycle. Your periods should return to normal after your stress decreases.
Menstruation is a natural and beautiful process that ties women to the natural cycles of nature. The moon and females and fertility have long been seen as linked. People have thought that, just like the ebbing and flowing of tides, menstrual cycles are linked to the moon with many claiming that you ovulate around the full moon and have your period near the new moon.

But not all women can rely on their period coming as regularly as the moon waxes and wanes. We know that there is no magical cure because of the unique beauty of each and every woman. We have put together a list of some of the most common causes of irregular periods and recommended the best EmpressBody products to help regulate your cycle and bring you back into a communal rhythm with nature.

EmpressBody Recommendations for Irregular Periods:
We recommend yoni steaming and a detox of 6 EmpressBody detox pearls to help get your periods back in sync. Using the EmpressBody Detox Pearls will help to regulate the blood flow around the perineum. The yoni steam is highly recommended for irregular periods or women who haven't seen their period for a while too. Usually after 3-5 steams your period should become regular and less painful.

Click here to read more about the EmpressBody Detox Pearls
Click here to purchase your EmpressBody Detox Pearls

Click here to purchase your EmpressBody Yoni Steam
But What is Steaming?
A yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam, v-steam or bajo) provides gentle and effective support for women’s wellness. Respected by women and holistic healers around the globe, yoni steaming is the ancient practice of allowing the warmth of herbal steam to softly permeate the exterior of the vagina.
This women's treatment gently and effectively cleanses, tones and revitalizes a woman's center, providing myriad benefits from reduced menstrual cramps to increased fertility and more. Yoni steaming will support your natural feminine cycle, and help you to heal, relax, and detoxify both physically and emotionally. It has been proven to help with insomnia, heal from sexual trauma, and relieve anxiety and stress.
Yoni teaming is about women taking back ownership of their personal health and wombs and utilizing intuition as well as herbs from the Earth, to support and nourish overall well-being. It is full vaginal empowerment. Not only is the EmpressBody Yoni Steam safe and healing, it is also easy to use.

How do you do it?
Yoni steaming is done by sitting over special herbs that create an environment that opens pores, permeates the outside of your yoni and allows your blood flow to regulate around your vagina allowing most toxins to be flushed out. You will need a stool with a hole in it and to place a bowl of warm water then:
1. Take one Empress steam bag, add about 750ml boiling water to brew.
2. Ensure all underwear is removed and the steam temperature is not too hot for you, before beginning the steam.
3. Sit above the basin and cover your lower body with a towel.
4. Steam for no less than 20 minutes or as you desire.
Click here to read more about the benefits of using the EmpressBody Yoni Steam
Click here to view the full range of EmpressBody Yoni Health Products
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